I hope everyone enjoyed our first Lesson.
A big thank you to all the angels!!
These are the moves we covered:
1. Circle left.right
2. Forward and Back
3. Dosado
4. Swing
5. Promenade family: couples and star.....
you can also promenade singly (single file promenade),
and Promenade the wrong way round (i.e. counter clockwise)
but these are rarely called.
6. Allemande left
7. Arm turns (Turn partner by the right)
8. Right and left Grand, Weave the Ring, Wrong Way grand.
9. Left (right) hand star
10. (not done yet) (we will do it next week)
11. Sashay family: half sashay
roll away with a half sashay
ladies in and the men sashay
(the numbers are from the Caller Lab definition list which is the "official" list of moves -
it can be downloaded as a pdf file (optional):
Here are the definitions of the moves we learned that are not immediately obvious from their name.
Please make flash cards of each one of these: the name on one side, the definition on the other...and test yourself!!! There will be a test in class!
PS scroll down to the end get a list of next week's new moves.
I have several good links for you to follow up.
A big thank you to all the angels!!
These are the moves we covered:
1. Circle left.right
2. Forward and Back
3. Dosado
4. Swing
5. Promenade family: couples and star.....
you can also promenade singly (single file promenade),
and Promenade the wrong way round (i.e. counter clockwise)
but these are rarely called.
6. Allemande left
7. Arm turns (Turn partner by the right)
8. Right and left Grand, Weave the Ring, Wrong Way grand.
9. Left (right) hand star
10. (not done yet) (we will do it next week)
11. Sashay family: half sashay
roll away with a half sashay
ladies in and the men sashay
(the numbers are from the Caller Lab definition list which is the "official" list of moves -
it can be downloaded as a pdf file (optional):
Here are the definitions of the moves we learned that are not immediately obvious from their name.
Please make flash cards of each one of these: the name on one side, the definition on the other...and test yourself!!! There will be a test in class!
PS scroll down to the end get a list of next week's new moves.
I have several good links for you to follow up.
are to square dance move demonstrations...
others relate to How to Learn...
are really interesting!
Dance demonstrations
1. Saddlebrook squares give clear demonstrations (ignore the old fashioned outfits!! you can dress like this if you want...but very few do these days....)
We've done moves from Lessons 1 and 2...but feel free to watch as far ahead as you like.
2. Taminations
I like this diagrammatic way of describing the moves...I suggest you click on slow and track to watch so that you can get a full idea of the visual pattern your steps are following.
First click on Mainstream ,Basic one, to get the list of moves.
Then click on the move you want to see.
When you get the diagram, under it click on Slow, Loop and Track..
then click on Start
This gives you the best view
3. Tech Squares
MIT students, friends, staff...all love square dance - so good for the brain!
watch them dance to see how they flow from one move to another....
Don't worry that you won't know the moves they call...there are lots of moves! - instead look at their beautiful synchronized movements they make. and see how young they are!! These people were all old when they started out 😉
to Learn
....using all your senses:
sound, feel, analyze.
and science: one and the same? Concert pianist Jocelyn Swigger illustrates the
behind-the-scenes process of memorizing at the piano, revealing surprising
parallels between practicing music and science.
How to Learn..
using the strategies I outlined in Lesson one.
Robert Bjork's work on learning is summarized in this clear and enlightening paper..
those who are really into the cognitive stuff! this is fascinating paper, but only for those who are really analytical!
Next Week's moves (probably!)
10. Pass Through
12: Turn back (u-turn, backtrack)
13. Separate
14. Split two
15. Courtesy Turn
16. Ladies Chain family (two or four ladies chain, also chain down the line).
the secret word is abracadabra!
see you in a square: Elizabeth
Next Week's moves (probably!)
10. Pass Through
12: Turn back (u-turn, backtrack)
13. Separate
14. Split two
15. Courtesy Turn
16. Ladies Chain family (two or four ladies chain, also chain down the line).
the secret word is abracadabra!
see you in a square: Elizabeth
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