Recap of Lesson 4

In Lesson 4 we learned moves involving Lines.

Step to an Ocean Wave
Veer Left(or Right)
Lead Right
Bend the Line
Swing Through

We also learned lots of different "Circulate" moves......and that in Circulates it's the position you're in (and end or a center)  that is important and NOT what sex you are!  For anyone can be in any position!

Check out these moves in Saddlebrook Squares

or  in Taminations

Basic - slow - Loop _Paths - Play is the best way to watch.....

and/or  read the definitions in the Official Manual and then make flash cards - in your own words!

or...follow the links in the two previous magic word follow blog posts!!!

good luck!!!

And please consider strongly continuing with lessons at our club:

Classic City Squares

(click on the above to see the website)

Tuesday nights starting November 7pm.....with our caller Randy Ramsay...
and all the angels you know already - and more!
You have to be there precisely at 7pm by the way, callers never wait for late comers!
Lesson is one hour, you are welcome to stay and watch the dance for longer if you wish.
A small fee - $5 or less (depending on how many you are).

We really want YOU to join us!!

email me if you have any questions....(the usual address).

